Massage is a general term used for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. The techniques can range from light stroking to deep tissue work and are being increasingly seen as part of integrative medicine. Until recently many people only thought of getting a massage Putrajaya at high end spas or health clubs but it is now widely available and increasingly considered a valuable part of your wellness plan. So why is massage good for the body? 

The physical manipulation of soft tissue and the release of chemicals produced during a massage improve blood and lymph flow throughout the body. This increase in circulation helps bring oxygen and nutrients to your cells, removes waste products, and reduces swelling from injury or disease. 

Research has shown that massage decreases the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) and increases serotonin, causing a generalized reduction in tension and anxiety. The relaxation response from massage also induces a positive effect on the heart rate by slowing it down and strengthening its beat. 

A great reason to get a regular aromatherapy massage near me is that it will help keep your joints flexible and healthy. Tight muscles can pull on your joints and create misalignment which in turn causes pain and stiffness. Massage helps to loosen those tight muscles and stretch the fibers of your muscles which enables more flexibility and ease of movement. 

Our lymphatic system is crucial for balancing the fluid and function of our immune system. Lymphatic vessels parallel blood vessels throughout the body and large groups of lymph nodes are found in our necks, armpits, and groin area. Massage stimulates the sluggish lymph nodes and drains them of toxins that may be stored there, boosting your immunity. 

Studies show that a single session of massage reduces the frequency and intensity of headaches, particularly those caused by tension. This is because the oxytocin and serotonin that are released during a massage act as natural pain relievers. 

Your bones also benefit from massage. The increased cellular activity and blood flow that is stimulated by massage helps to deliver calcium and other minerals to your muscles, bones, and joints. This prevents bone density loss, increases skeletal strength and flexibility, and can help heal injuries. 

We weren’t meant to sit all day, and this sedentary lifestyle causes poor posture which in turn puts strain on the back, neck and joints. Regular massage reduces the tenseness of those muscles and keeps them in balance which can prevent chronic back pain. 

Studies have also shown that massage can improve gastrointestinal problems. The stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system during a massage increases salivation, digestive enzyme secretion, bowel motility, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, those with chronic stomach ailments can experience relief from some of their symptoms including acid reflux and constipation. Massage can also alleviate the uncomfortable side effects of certain cancer treatments by reducing nausea and vomiting. It can also promote restful sleep in those undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy.